| 1. | Optical light engine 投影机光学引擎
| 2. | Optical light engine 投影机光学引擎
| 3. | At last , the programm is proven by using the parameters of an existing light engine system 然后对系统建立一个数学模型,用软件的方法,模拟光学引擎的工作过程。
| 4. | Be responsible for research of development of powersupply , light engine boards , tv board , system controller board , audio board 负责调研和开发电源、光机板、电视板、系统控制板和声音控制板等。
| 5. | Cermax xenon by perkinelmer is the light engine of choice for today s premier video applications , including rear projection rptv , home theater projector , and digital cinema Perkinelmer提供的cermax氙灯是一种优秀的照明引擎,能够满足当前主流视频场合的需要,如背投电视rptv ,家庭剧院投影机与数位电影等等
| 6. | In this thesis , three - pan light engine system is discussed . on the base of chroma theory , a method for analysising and designing color separating and combining system is provided 本论文着重分析了三片式液晶光学引擎系统,在色度学理论的基础上,结合光学引擎系统,提出了一套分析设计该系统的分色合色部分的方法。
| 7. | By analysising the thin film system , polarization and absorption of material , the relation ship between these parameters and the chroma of the light engine system is built . then a programm is writen in c + + language to realize the method 通过分析该系统从光源到分色合色和投影镜头的膜系结构,偏振特性,材料吸收等对系统能量分布的影响,建立了各个参数与系统色度之间的关系。
| 8. | The great competition of automobile market has urged the factories to shorten the product development time ; and on the other hand , with the development of turbo , high power and light engine , the researchers have kept their eyes on the intensity more than the past <中文摘要> =汽车市场的激烈竞争,促使生产厂家极大地缩短了产品开发时间;另一方面,发动机朝着增压、高功率、轻量化方向的迅速发展,又使研究人员更加注重发动机强度问题的研究。